Telling TAILS Pet Supplies is a retail provider of pet food and supplies in Chelmsford Ontario with a strong focus on pet well being and pet parent education. This project consists of creating an online presence for the domain & The site is created on the WordPress framework and includes theme modification configuration & installation, a content management system administration area, a public […]
The Money Diva website design project is a redesign makeover on the WordPress platform including website hosting and on-page organic SEO. The Money Diva is dedicated to assisting client’s in setting up achievable monetary goals while making sound financial decisions that are consistent with the lifestyle individuals want based on their current income. The Money Diva offers a personalized service to assist client’s with their […]
A powerful, innovative, ecologically safe method of saving existing septic system leaching beds. In most cases, where the septic system leaching bed isn’t performing well. During treatment, we observe a steep pressure climb once the pipes are pressurized then a slow pressure decline and finally ease of flow. Which indicates that many blockages have been eliminated. It’s definitely a great sign. Some septic systems have […]
Harnessing the power of tags to boost SEO Search engines like Google are constantly improving the algorithms used to ignore and demote blatant attempts of Key Word Stuffing or SPAM to get ranking over competitors sites. As a result, harnessing the power of tags to boost SEO immerged as a new powerful tactic. Tags are essentially keywords relevant to each page/article you create. Tags are intended to be descriptive […]
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